

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"Shooter\"(《生死狙击》):- \"I'm the best shot you'll ever meet, and I can prove it.\"- \"You can't outrun your own shadow.\"- \"I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in patterns.\"- \"When you're trained to do something, you do it until you die.\"

2. \"The Silencer\"(《沉默者》):- \"You can't hide from the man who sees everything.\"- \"I'm not the one you should be afraid of. You should be afraid of the man who hired me.\"- \"My silence is my weapon.\"- \"I'm not just a hired gun. I'm an artist.\"

3. \"Sniper\"(《狙击手》):- \"One shot, one kill. That's my promise.\"- \"I don't miss. I just haven't found my target yet.\"- \"The only way to win a war is to break the enemy's will.\"- \"You can't cheat death. But you can make him work for it.\"

4. \"American Sniper\"(《美国狙击手》):- \"It's not the bullet that kills you. It's the hole.\"- \"I'm just a man who does his job.\"- \"I can put a bullet through a mosquito's eye from a half-mile away.\"- \"War is hell, but sometimes, so is life.\"

5. \"Wind River\"(《风河谷》):- \"You can't outrun a bullet.\"- \"The land up here, it takes a toll on you.\"- \"I've got a job to do, and I'm going to do it.\"- \"Sometimes, the only way to survive is to kill.\"





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