

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. 《哪吒之魔童降世》- Nezha: Birth of a Superhero - Nezha: \"I'm a demigod, and my fate is in my own hands!\" - Lord Yin: \"Believe in yourself, and you'll unlock your true potential.\"

2. 《熊出没之夏日连连看》- Bear and Cubs: Summer Vacation - Mister Bear: \"Summer vacation is a time for fun and adventure!\" - Cubs: \"Let's enjoy our summer together!\"

3. 《喜洋洋与灰太狼之开心闯龙年》- Pleasant Goat and Big Bad Wolf: Happy Dragon Year - Pleasant Goat: \"With friendship and courage, we can overcome any obstacle!\" - Big Bad Wolf: \"I may be a wolf, but I also love peace and harmony.\"

4. 《西游记之大圣归来》- Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons - Sun Wukong: \"I, the Monkey King, will protect my friends and defeat evil!\" - Tang Sanzang: \"With faith and determination, we'll reach the West and accomplish our mission.\"

5. 《熊猫总动员》- Pandamonium - Panda Mom: \"Our love for each other is the strongest force in the world.\" - Panda Dad: \"Together, we'll protect our home and harmony.\"

6. 《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》- Doraemon: accompany me -哆啦A梦:”相信我,大雄,你一定能实现你的梦想!“ - 大雄:”哆啦A梦,谢谢你一直陪伴我。“

7. 《狮子王》- The Lion King - Simba: \"Everything the light touches is our kingdom.\" - Mufasa: \"Remember, you are responsible for your actions.\"





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