

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. 無我無形,無我無心,無我無招,無我無敵。(译:Without me, there is no form, no heart, no skill, no enemy.)

2. 姑姑!你為什麼如此無情!你看我一眼啊!你看我一眼啊姑姑!我是過兒啊!我是過兒啊!(译:Auntie! Why are you so heartless! Look at me once! Look at me once, Auntie! I'm Guo Jie! I'm Guo Jie!)

3. 風陵渡口初相遇,一見楊過誤終身。(译:At the Fengling Pass, we met for the first time, and seeing Yang Guo ruined my whole life.)

4. 愛是愉快是難過是陶醉是情緒或在日後視作傳奇。(译:Love is joy, sorrow, intoxication, emotions, or later regarded as legends.)

5. 愛是盟約是習慣是時間是白髮也叫你我乍驚乍喜完全忘記自己,竟可相許生與死。(译:Love is a covenant, a habit, time, and white hair. It makes us forget ourselves and promise to live and die together.)

6. 誰還祈求什麼,可歌可泣的結果。誰能承受後果,翻天覆海不枉最初。(译:Who still asks for anything, a tragic but moving outcome. Who can bear the consequences, it's worth it in the end.)





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