

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"He is water, wind, fire, light and darkness, and he was once human. The common people call him a god. He has gone through countless battles and killed countless enemies, deserving the title of 'war god'. \" 他曾是水、风、火,是光明与黑暗,也曾是人类。百姓称他为神,闯过血雨腥风,杀敌无数,当得起武神二字。

2. \"Chi En Zhuo: Uncle, you still have this kind of skill.\" 池恩卓:大叔,你还有这种本事啊。

3. \"Since I met you, I haven't looked at the stars. What's the point of looking at the stars? Looking at your eyes is enough.\" 自从认识你以后,我就再没有看过星星。看星星做什么。看叔叔的眼睛就够了。

4. \"Every day with you is shining. Because the weather is good, or because the weather is bad, or because it's just right. Every day is beautiful.\" 跟你在一起的时光都很耀眼,因为天气好,因为天气不好,因为天气刚刚好。每一天,都很美好。

5. \"The heart is continuously dizzy from the sky to the earth. That's my first love.\" 从天空到大地,心脏在持续着令人眩晕的摆动。那是初恋。

6. \"You are both my lifeline and my death toll. And I like you like this, so I keep this secret and pray to God: I hope I can deceive him for a little longer.\" 你既是我的生路,亦是我的死途,而我,喜欢这样的你,因此,我怀揣着这个秘密,祈求上天能够允许:希望能再多瞒过他一会儿。





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