

发表者:铁名 2人已读


China's latest space mission, the Shenzhou 7, has been making headlines around the world. The mission, which saw three Chinese astronauts spend nearly two weeks in space, was a significant milestone for China's space program. As part of the mission, a video review of the Shenzhou 7 was released, which provides a fascinating look at the challenges and triumphs of the mission.

1. Video Overview:

The video review of the Shenzhou 7 mission is a comprehensive look at the various aspects of the mission, from the launch itself to the return to Earth. The video features interviews with the astronauts, as well as footage of the spacecraft and the science experiments that were conducted while in orbit.

2. Launch and Orbit:

The video begins with the launch of the Shenzhou 7 spacecraft, which took place on September 25th, 2008. The video shows the rocket lifting off from the launch pad and soaring into space, as spectators watch from the ground below. Once in orbit, the astronauts begin their work, conducting a range of experiments and tests to evaluate the effects of long-term spaceflight on the human body.

3. Spacewalk:

One of the highlights of the Shenzhou 7 mission was the spacewalk conducted by astronaut Zhai Zhigang. The video shows Zhigang exiting the spacecraft and floating freely in space, as he completes a range of tasks, including planting the Chinese flag and testing a new type of space suit.

4. Science Experiments:

The video also provides an overview of the science experiments conducted during the mission, including studies on the effects of microgravity on the human body, as well as research on plant growth in space. The experiments were designed to help scientists better understand the challenges of long-term space travel, and to develop strategies for mitigating these challenges.


Overall, the video review of the Shenzhou 7 mission provides a fascinating look at China's space program, and the challenges and triumphs of the mission itself. From the launch to the return to Earth, the video captures the excitement and intensity of the mission, and highlights the important scientific discoveries that were made along the way. For anyone interested in space exploration, the Shenzhou 7 mission is definitely worth watching.




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