

发表者:铁名 2人已读

以下是部分绝地战警(Bad Boys)的经典对白台词英文:

1. Mike Lowrey(迈克尔·乔丹饰):\"You know what you are? You're just a punk-ass little criminal, that's what you are!\" 你知道你是什么吗?你只是一个糙小子罪犯!

2. Marcus Burnett(马丁·劳伦斯饰):\"I'm a grown-ass man, Mike! I ain't afraid of nothing!\" 我可是个成熟的男人,迈克尔!我什么都不怕!

3. Mike Lowrey:\"You ever heard of the Panama Canal? Well, that's where I'm sending you, pal. Straight to hell!\" 你听说过巴拿马运河吗?那就是我要送你去的地方,伙伴!

4. Marcus Burnett:\"You know what's gonna happen when we catch these guys? We're gonna be heroes. And we're gonna get the girls, and we're gonna party like it's 1999!\" 知道当我们抓住这些人会发生什么吗?我们会成为英雄。我们会得到女孩们,我们会像1999年那样狂欢派对!

5. Mike Lowrey:\"I'm not gonna waste my time trying to reason with a crazy motherfucker like you!\" 我才不会浪费时间跟像你这样的疯子讲道理呢!

6. Marcus Burnett:\"You know what they say, Mike? Crime doesn't pay. And I'm gonna make sure you remember that!\" 你知道他们怎么说,迈克尔?犯罪是不划算的。我一定会让你记住这一点!

7. Mike Lowrey:\"You got something to say, Burnett? Say it now, 'cause I don't got all day!\" 你有话要说吗,巴内特?现在就说吧,因为我没时间陪你磨蹭!





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