

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"生命会找到自己的出路。\"(Life will find a way.)

2. \"上帝创造恐龙,上帝毁灭恐龙

上帝创造人,人毁灭上帝,人创造恐龙。\"(God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs; God creates man, man destroys God, man creates dinosaurs.)

3. \"我们生活的世界充满了许多令人沮丧的社会特定。这个特定要求我们这样行动,那个特定要求我们在乎那个。但是没有人去思考这些个特定。难道这不神奇吗?在今天这个信息社会,没有人在思考。我们原本是要废除纸张,而我们真正废除的却是思考。\"(Our lives are full of frustrating specificities. These specificities require us to act in certain ways, and care about certain things. But no one ever stops to think about these specificities. Isn't that strange? In today's information society, no one is thinking. We were supposed to abolish paper, but what we actually abolished was thinking.)

4. \"如果进化史让我们学到什么教训,那就是生命是不会被局限的。生命会拥抱自由,扩展新的领域并突破。\"(If there's one thing evolution has taught us, it's that life will never be contained. Life will find a way to break free, to expand into new territories and overcome.)

5. \"一个全新的领域已向我们开启。\"(A new frontier has opened up before us.)

6. \"我们有了第一个转基因混合品种的恐龙。”(We have our first genetically hybridized dinosaur.)

7. \"记住,如果有东西追你们就跑。\"(Remember, run like hell if anything chases you.)

8. \"我们过去十年从基因研究所得到的知识远远超过近百年对化石的研究。\"(We've learned more in the past ten years about genetics than in the previous century of fossil research.)





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