

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"If you take a step forward, you'll just be standing in another's shadow.\" - Mayor Lionheart(如果你向前迈出一步,你只是站在另一个人的阴影里。)

2. \"The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.\" - Chief Bogo(的唯一方法就是做自己认为伟大的工作。而做伟大工作的唯一方法就是热爱你所做的事情。)

3. \"Ugly opinions are like ugly babies. You don't criticize them because you love them.\" - Yax(丑陋的意见就像丑陋的婴儿。你不会批评他们,因为你爱他们。)

4. \"I am not cute. I am a force of nature.\" - Officer Judy Hopps(我不是可爱,我是一种自然力量。)

5. \"You know, some planets have rings. This one has...a bunny.\" - Officer Nick Wilde(你知道,有些星球有环。这个星球有一个……兔子。)

6. \"We can't let fear divide us. We're better than that.\" - Mayor Lionheart(我们不能让恐惧分裂我们。我们比这更好。)

7. \"It's not who I am; it's what I do that defines me.\" - Officer Nick Wilde(不是我定义了我,而是我所做的事情。)

8. \"The greatest threat to your life is always right behind you.\" - Chief Bogo(对你生命最大的威胁总是在你身后。)

9. \"I'm a mammal. We're curious. It's what we do.\" - Officer Judy Hopps(我是哺乳动物。我们好奇。这是我们做的事情。)

10. \"Sometimes you gotta step out of your comfort zone, kid.\" - Officer Nick Wilde(有时候,你必须走出舒适区,孩子。)





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