

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"The past is just a story we tell ourselves.\"(过去只是我们讲述的故事。)

2. \"Will you always come home to me and tell me about your day?\"(你每次回家来,都会跟我聊聊你的一天发生什么了吗?)

3. \"I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It's a crazy thing to do. It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity.\"(我认为任何坠入爱河的人都算是怪胎。这是一种疯狂的行为。这就像一种社会认可的疯狂。)

4. \"It's like everything I ever wanted is right here in front of me, and I'm just... I'm just afraid to reach for it.\"(就像我一直以来想要的一切都在我面前,而我只是... 只是害怕去争取。)

5. \"I'm still here. I'm still me. I'm just... smaller.\"(我还在这里,我还是我,只是... 变得更小了。)

6. \"What if you just stopped? What if you just let go?\"(如果你放手呢?如果你停止呢?)

7. \"I don't want to be a thing that stands in the way of your life.\"(我不想成为阻碍你生活的障碍。)

8. \"I love you, but I let you go.\"(我爱你,但我让你走了。)

9. \"You're inside me, and I'm inside you.\"(你在我里面,我在你里面。)

10. \"We're just a collection of cells, trying to figure out how to live together.\"(我们只是一个由细胞组成的集合,试图找出如何共存的方法。)





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