

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in Texas months later. 一只蝴蝶在巴西拍一下翅膀,几个月后德克萨斯州可能引发一场龙卷风。

2. Small things, seemingly unrelated, can have a profound impact on our lives. 小事,看似无关,却可能对我们的生活产生深远影响。

3. Don't try to change the past, because any small change can cause a huge ripple in the future. 不要试图改变过去,因为任何小的改变都可能在未来引起巨大的波动。

4. Love is like a unicorn - if it exists, it's because people believe in it. 爱情就像独角兽——如果它存在,那是因为人们相信它。

5. We travel thousands of miles looking for something that might be right beside us. 我们长途跋涉寻找的东西,可能一直就在身边。

6. In my dream, there was a canary. You know, those little yellow birds. I set it free from its cage, opened the window, and held out my hand. Guess what happened? It didn't fly away, but stayed with me. I was happy because of that. Do you know why? 在我的梦里,有一只金丝雀。你知道,那些黄色的小鸟。我把它从笼子里放出来,打开窗户,伸出我的手。猜猜发生了什么?它没有飞走,而是留下来陪着我。因为我那时的快乐,你知道为什么吗?





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