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Vienna Blood is a gripping crime drama series set in the 1900s. It revolves around a young doctor named Max Liebermann and detective Oskar Rheinhardt as they investigate a series of gruesome murders in Vienna. In the episode "The Great Escape," Max and Oskar hunt for a serial killer who has escaped from a secure asylum.


1. Plot and Acting

The episode "The Great Escape" is an intense hour of television that keeps viewers on edge. The plot is well-crafted, with plenty of twists and turns to keep audiences guessing. The acting is superb, with standout performances by Matthew Beard as Max Liebermann and Jürgen Maurer as Oskar Rheinhardt. Their chemistry on screen is palpable, and they make a great team.

2. Atmosphere and Setting

One of the highlights of Vienna Blood is its attention to detail when it comes to the setting and atmosphere of turn-of-the-century Vienna. The sets are beautifully designed, and the costumes are authentic and stylish. The music also adds to the overall mood of the show, with haunting melodies and classical compositions that transport viewers back in time.

3. Themes and Messages

While Vienna Blood is primarily a crime drama, it also explores deeper themes and messages. One of the main themes of "The Great Escape" is the treatment of mental illness in the early 1900s. The show doesn't shy away from showing the harsh reality of how people with mental illnesses were treated in those days, and the impact it had on their lives. The episode also touches on themes of power, control, and manipulation.


In conclusion, Vienna Blood is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and period pieces. "The Great Escape" is a standout episode that showcases the strengths of the show - a gripping plot, excellent acting, and attention to detail. While the show may not be for everyone due to its graphic content and darker themes, it is a well-crafted series that is worth checking out.




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