

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. Chef: \"Alright, everyone listen up! We're making soup today, but not just any soup - it's turtle soup!\" (厨师:大家注意了!今天我们要做汤,但不是普通的汤——我们是做龟汤!)

2. Chef: \"You know what they say, 'a bad cook is a good lawyer,' right?\" (厨师:你们知道吗?俗话说,‘糟糕的厨师是好的律师’,对吧?)

3. Cook: \"I bet I can throw this potion together faster than you can say 'macaroni'!\" (厨师:我敢打赌,我比你说“意大利面”的速度更快地把这道药剂配好!)

4. Chef: \"Oh no, we're out of flour! I guess we'll have to improvise with some birdseed.\" (厨师:哦不,我们没面粉了!看来我们只能用鸟食来替代了。)

5. Cook: \"What's the difference between a chef and a pizza? A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.\" (厨师:厨师和披萨之间有什么区别?把披萨放进烤箱里它不会尖叫。)

6. Chef: \"Today, we're going to try something different. We're going to cook with our heads!\" (厨师:今天,我们要尝试点不一样的。我们用头来做饭!)

7. Cook: \"I just invented a new dish called 'spaghetti tacos'! It's like eating pasta and Mexican food at the same time!\" (厨师:我刚发明了一道新菜——意大利面玉米饼!这样你就可以在一道菜里吃到意大利面和墨西哥食物!)

8. Chef: \"Don't worry about the smoke alarm, it's just the kitchen telling us she's hungry.\" (厨师:别担心烟雾报警器,那只是厨房在告诉我们它饿了。)

9. Cook: \"I can't find the salt! Has anyone seen my salt? It's like my lost puppy!\" (厨师:我找不到盐了!谁看到我的盐了吗?它就像我丢失的小狗一样!)

10. Chef: \"Today, we're making the perfect meal: ice cream soup with a side of toast!\" (厨师:今天,我们制作完美的餐点:冰淇淋汤配烤面包!)





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