

发表者:铁名 2人已读

以下是一些黑人兄弟(Key & Peele)搞笑对白的英文台词:

1. \"You know you're in trouble when the African lion starts laughing.\"(你知道你遇到麻烦了,当非洲狮子开始大笑时。)

2. \"I'm not racist, I have a black friend. His name is 'Google.'\"(我不是种族主义者,我有个黑人朋友。他的名字叫“谷歌”。)

3. \"If you're a white man and you're reading this, you're probably thinking, 'I bet he's going to say something about race.'\"(如果你是一个白人男子,在读这段话,你可能会想:“我敢说他接下来要谈论种族问题。”)

4. \"I once asked a black man what he wanted in life, and he said, 'To be a tree.'\"(我曾经问过一个黑人他一生中想要什么,他说:“变成一棵树。”)

5. \"You know you're a bad driver when you see a police officer and you're like, 'There goes my Uber.'\"(你知道你开车技术不好,当你看到一名警察,你心想:“我的优步(司机)又来了。”)

6. \"What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator!\"(你怎么称呼穿着背心的鳄鱼?调查员!)

7. \"I used to be a rapper, but then I realized I couldn't rap. So, now I'm a rapper who doesn't rap.\"(我以前是个说唱歌手,但后来我发现我不能说唱。所以现在我是一个不说唱的说唱歌手。)

8. \"I don't know why they call it 'breakfast,' because when I'm done eating, I'm still broke.\"(我不明白为什么他们叫它“早餐”,因为吃完饭后,我依然一贫如洗。)

9. \"If you're tall and you're reading this, you're probably thinking, 'I bet he's going to say something about height.'\"(如果你个子高,在读这段话,你可能会想:“我敢说他接下来要谈论身高问题。”)

10. \"I once met a man who could swim faster than the speed of light. He was just swimming around, and then suddenly, he was gone!\"(我曾经遇到过一个男子,他游泳的速度比光速还快。他只是在游泳,然后突然就消失了!)





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