

发表者:铁名 2人已读

《费城故事》是一部1993年的美国电影,讲述了一名年轻律师安德鲁·贝尔维(Tom Hanks饰)因感染艾滋病而被公司辞退,随后他起诉公司歧视的故事。以下是这部电影的一些经典台词:

1. “你要去地狱,直接去地狱。”(Yougotohell,yougostraighttohell.)

2. “faith is the belief in something for which we have no evidence.”(信仰就是对没有证据的事物深信不疑。)

3. “我只是一个小的摄影师,我负担不起憎恨别人。”(I'm just a small-time photographer, I can't afford to hate people.)

4. “这部电影在拍摄期间曾被命名为《费城故事》。”(This movie was originally titled \"Philadelphia\" during production.)

5. “你怎样看待把1000个律师沉到海底?”(How do you feel about sinking 1000 lawyers?)

6. “我开始意识到,如果我不能赢这场官司,那么这场官司就会输掉我的生活。”(I began to realize that if I couldn't win this case, the case would win my life.)

7. “我希望我的父亲能在这里,因为他会知道我做得很好。”(I wish my father could be here, because he would know I did well.)

8. “我失去了一份工作,但我获得了一个机会去拯救我的灵魂。”(I lost a job, but I found a chance to save my soul.)

9. “我不是一个英雄,但我愿意为了你而成为英雄。”(I'm not a hero, but I'd be a hero for you.)

10. “我知道我不会长寿,但我希望人们在提到我时会说:‘他做了件正确的事。’”(I know I won't live long, but I hope people will say, \"He did the right thing.\")





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