

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. 商务会议: 主席:Good morning, everyone. Can we please start the meeting? 参会者:Good morning, Mr. Chairman. Yes, we're ready to start.

2. 谈判: 甲方:We believe that a joint venture would be beneficial for both of us. 乙方:We agree. Our companies complement each other perfectly.

3. 销售: 销售员:May I help you? 顾客:Yes, I'm looking for a laptop. 销售员:What specifications do you need?

4. 客户服务: 客服:Thank you for calling our customer service department. How can I assist you today? 客户:I received a faulty product and I'd like to return it.

5. 面试: 面试官:Can you tell me a little bit about your work experience? 求职者:Sure. I have five years of experience in the marketing field.

6. 业务合作: 甲方:We're interested in partnering with your company. 乙方:That sounds interesting. Tell us more about your proposal.

7. 商务宴请: 主人:Welcome to our company dinner. I hope you enjoy your meal. 客人:Thank you for inviting us. The food is delicious.

8. 请求批准: 员工:Can I request approval for a business trip to Tokyo? 经理:Yes, submit the necessary documents and I'll review them.

9. 结束会议: 主席:Thank you for your participation. Our meeting is now adjourned. 参会者:Thank you, Mr. Chairman. See you at the next meeting.

10. 投诉: 客户:I'm sorry, but I'm not satisfied with the service. 客服:I apologize for the inconvenience. Let me see what I can do for you.





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