

发表者:铁名 2人已读

1. \"I'm a strong independent woman, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good rescue now and then.\"

2. \"Don't judge me by my past. I don't live there anymore.\"

3. \"Life is too short to hold grudges. Let go and be happy.\"

4. \"I'm not high maintenance. I just expect a little bit of respect and kindness.\"

5. \"You can't reach for something new if your hands are still full of yesterday's junk.\"

6. \"I'm not afraid of falling. I'm afraid of not flying.\"

7. \"Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find your true path.\"

8. \"I'd rather be a diamond than a rhinestone. Real girls are imperfect, but they shine in their own way.\"

9. \"Believe in yourself. You are stronger and more capable than you think.\"

10. \"Don't wait for opportunities. Create them.\




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