

发表者:铁名 2人已读

以下是《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness)电影中的一些英文台词对白:

1. Christopher Gardner(克里斯·加德纳):Yo, this is gonna be a great day, I can feel it. (嘿,今天会是个美好的一天,我能感觉到。)

2. Salesman:You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. (你有梦想,你必须保护它。人们自己做不到的事情,他们就想告诉你你也做不到。如果你想要什么,就去争取。就是这样。)

3. Christopher Gardner:Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something. Not even me. (永远不要让别人告诉你你做不到。就算是我也一样。)

4. Christopher Gardner:I'm the type of person, if you tell me I can't do something, I'm gonna do it. (我这样的人,如果有人告诉我我不能做某事,我就会去做。)

5. Salesman:The world moves too fast, people don't look where they're going. They just kind of run around and bump into each other. (这个世界变化太快,人们走路都不看方向。他们只是匆匆忙忙地撞来撞去。)

6. Christopher Gardner:You have a dream, you gotta take chances. (你有梦想,你必须冒险。)

7. Mrs. Gardner:Why do you always want to put yourself through all this? (为什么你总是想让自己经历这么多痛苦?)

8. Christopher Gardner:I don't want to be like everyone else. I have my own path to follow. (我不想跟别人一样。我有自己要走的路。)

9. Salesman:I'm not a quitter. I just don't wanna be wrong. (我不是个放弃的人。我只是不想做错事。)

10. Christopher Gardner:Sometimes we gotta do things we don't want to do. (有时候,我们必须做我们不想做的事。)

11. Manager:You got a real strong spirit, you know that? (你有很强的意志,你知道吗?)

12. Christopher Gardner:You never know what's coming. That's the beauty of life. (你永远不知道生活会带来什么。这就是生活的魅力。)

13. Salesman:I'm not afraid to fail. I'm afraid not to try. (我不害怕失败。我害怕不去尝试。)

14. Christopher Gardner:When you think you've reached the end, you just might find that you're just beginning. (当你认为你已经走到了尽头,你可能会发现,你只是刚刚开始。)

15. Mrs. Gardner:I just want you to be happy. (我只希望你幸福。)

16. Christopher Gardner:Happyness is not something that comes to you. It's something you create. (幸福不是降临到你身上的东西。而是你自己创造的。)

17. Salesman:You're gonna have to fight for it, you understand? (你要为之奋斗,明白吗?)

18. Christopher Gardner:I will not quit. I'm gonna find a way to make it happen. (我不会放弃。我会找到实现梦想的方法。)

19. Manager:The secret to success is to be happy. (成功的秘诀就是快乐。)

20. Christopher Gardner:This is my life. I gotta take care of my son. (这是我的生活。我必须照顾我的儿子。)

21. Salesman:You know, there's a I think it's a great idea to put yourself out there. (你知道,我觉得把自己置于其中是个好主意。)

22. Christopher Gardner:I'm not putting myself out there. I'm putting my family out there. (我不是在把自己置于其中。我在把我的家庭置于其中。)

23. Mrs. Gardner:You're gonna make it, aren't you? (你会成功的,对吧?)

24. Christopher Gardner:Yeah, we gonna make it. (是的,我们会成功的。)

25. Salesman:You're a great dad, you know that? (你是个伟大的父亲,你知道吗?)

26. Christopher Gardner:I'm just trying to be the best one I can be. (我只是尽力成为我能成为的最好的父亲。)

27. Manager:You're gonna be okay.




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