

发表者:铁名 2人已读

Here are a few short dialogues with English pronunciation similar to Chinese rhymes:

1. Man: \"Hey, girl! 嘿,姑娘!\" Woman: \"What's up? 什么事?\"

2. Man: \"Can I have your number? 我可以要你的电话号码吗?\" Woman: \"Sorry, I'm busy. 抱歉,我很忙。\"

3. Man: \"I love your style. 我喜欢你的风格。\" Woman: \"Thank you! 谢谢你!\"

4. Man: \"Where are you going? 你去哪里?\" Woman: \"To the mall. 去商场。\"

5. Man: \"Do you want to watch a movie? 你想看电影吗?\" Woman: \"Sure, why not? 当然,为什么不呢?\"

6. Man: \"Can we take a selfie? 我们能拍个自拍吗?\" Woman: \"Ok, let's do it! 好的,让我们拍吧!\"

7. Man: \"You look beautiful today. 你今天真漂亮。\" Woman: \"Thank you, so do you! 谢谢你,你也很漂亮!\"

These dialogues have a similar rhythm and pronunciation to Chinese rhymes, making them fun to say together. You can practice your English pronunciation and have a conversation with a friend at the same time.




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