

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. Guy 1: \"Did you know they invented a new drink called 'Fireball'?\"Guy 2: \"Oh, really? Must be something spicy then!\"Guy 1: \"No, it's because it's about to set your stomach on fire!\"

2. Girl 1: \"I think I'm getting fat.\"Girl 2: \"Don't be silly, you're just growing into your fat suit!\"

3. Guy 1: \"Why do they call it 'shopping'? Shouldn't it be 'strolling with purpose'?\"Guy 2: \"Or 'window therapy'?\"

4. Girl 1: \"I can't decide between two shirts. Which one should I get?\"Girl 2: \"Get both! You can always use the second one as a pillow when you're bored with the first one.\"

5. Guy 1: \"What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband?\"Guy 2: \"A boyfriend will bring you flowers when you're sick. A husband will bring you soup and a hot water bottle.\"

6. Girl 1: \"Men are like computers. They have a specific purpose and once they're turned off, they're done.\"Girl 2: \"And women are like smartphones. We have multiple purposes and we always need to be charged!\"

7. Guy 1: \"Why do we have to sleep on such small beds?\"Guy 2: \"Maybe they're trying to save us from oversleeping!\"

8. Girl 1: \"I feel like I'm always trying to impress people.\"Girl 2: \"Don't worry, you already impressed me. Now, let's go find some more people for you to impress!\"

9. Guy 1: \"What's the point of having a Smart TV if we're just going to watch cat videos on it?\"Guy 2: \"It's not about the content, it's about the technology!\"

10. Girl 1: \"I wish I could split myself in half and have two of me. Then I could get twice as much done!\"Girl 2: \"Or wear twice as many outfits!\"





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