

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"We're all trapped in this world, struggling to survive. And yet, we can't help but long for a life that we'll never have.\"(我们都被困在这个世界,努力生存。然而,我们却忍不住渴望一个我们永远无法拥有的生活。)

2. \"You'll always be alone, no matter how many people are around you.\"(无论身边有多少人,你都会感到孤独。)

3. \"Happiness is just a momentary illusion, soon to be replaced by sorrow.\"(幸福只是短暂的幻觉,很快就会被悲伤取代。)

4. \"In the end, we all die alone, with no one to accompany us.\"(我们都是孤独地死去,无人陪伴。)

5. \"It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.\"(失去爱总比从未爱过要好。)

6. \"Memories are like a ghost, always haunting us, no matter how far we run.\"(记忆就像一个幽灵,无论我们逃得多远,它总会纠缠着我们。)

7. \"Sometimes, the only way to move forward is to leave behind the things we hold dear.\"(有时候,前进的唯一方法就是放弃我们珍视的东西。)

8. \"Life is full of choices, but in the end, we're all still prisoners of our own destiny.\"(生活充满了选择,但我们都是自己命运的囚徒。)

9. \"Love is a double-edged sword, bringing both joy and pain.\"(爱情是一把双刃剑,带来喜悦和痛苦。)

10. \"Hope is a cruel mistress, always teasing us with the possibility of a better future.\"(希望是一位残酷的女主人,总是用更好的未来的可能性来折磨我们。)





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