

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet.\"(这世界上有5亿支枪,平均每十二个人就有一支。)

2. \"The only question is,how do we get the other eleven to buy one?\"(唯一的问题是我们怎么让剩下的十一个人也买一把枪。)

3. \"I sell bullets made in communism to fascists. I never sold to bin Laden. Not because of moral issues, but his checks always bounced.\"(我把共产主义国家制造的子弹卖给法西斯,我从来没卖给过本·拉登,不是因为道德问题,而是他的支票总是跳票。)

4. \"You've used this gun! It's a used gun! You have to buy it!\"(你用过这把枪了!它变成二手货了,你必须买下它!)

5. \"More people die from smoking every year than from weapons. But they still sell cigarettes. At least my guns have safety mechanisms.\"(每年死在抽烟上的人比死在武器上的人多得多,但是他们照样卖,我卖的枪至少还带安全栓。)

6. \"To be a true international arms dealer, you can't sell weapons to your own country. That's not allowed.\"(不卖军火给自己的国家,那才算不上国际军火商。)

7. \"The biggest arms exporter in the world is the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China. You know why? Because they have the most bullets.\"(世界上最大的军火出口国是美国、俄罗斯、英国、法国和中国,你知道为什么吗?因为他们拥有最多的子弹。)





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