

发表者:铁名 2人已读

Here are some English translations of dialogue from the film \"My People, My Homeland\":

1. 男主角(微笑):\"This is my hometown, where I grew up.\" Male lead (smiling): \"This is my hometown, where I was raised.\"

2. 女主角(感慨):\"Time flies, but the memories remain.\" Female lead (sentimentally): \"Time flies, but the memories linger.\"

3. 男主角(回忆):\"I still remember the days we spent together here.\" Male lead (reminiscing): \"I still recall the time we spent together here.\"

4. 女主角(忧伤):\"Things have changed so much, but my feelings for you remain the same.\" Female lead (sadly): \"Things have changed a lot, but my feelings for you remain the same.\"

5. 男主角(坚定):\"No matter how far I go, this is always my hometown.\" Male lead (confidently): \"No matter where I go, this will always be my hometown.\"

6. 女主角(期待):\"I hope we can reunite here again someday.\" Female lead (looking forward): \"I hope we can reunite here someday.\"

7. 男主角(感慨):\"The past may be gone, but it's forever in our hearts.\" Male lead (sentimentally): \"The past may be gone, but it's forever in our hearts.\"

8. 女主角(深情):\"To you, my hometown, I will always be grateful.\" Female lead (deeply): \"To you, my hometown, I will always be thankful.\"

9. 男主角(誓言):\"I will work hard to make my hometown better.\" Male lead (pledging): \"I will work hard to make my hometown better.\"

10. 女主角(感慨):\"The bond between us and our hometown is eternal.\" Female lead (sentimentally): \"The bond between us and our hometown is everlasting.\"

These translations are based on the context and tone of the original dialogue in Chinese. Feel free to adjust them according to the specific context in which they will be used.




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