

发表者:铁名 2人已读

Here are a few funny dialogues from the TV series Peace Hotel:


(Feng Xiaolong is trying to cook dinner for the guests)

Feng Xiaolong: (proudly) I invented a new dish! I call it \"Dragon and Phoenix dancing in the Cloud.\"

Guest: (trying to polite) Oh, that sounds delicious. What's in it?

Feng Xiaolong: (grinning) Well, it's a secret recipe. But I can tell you it has dragon meat and phoenix eggs.

Guest: (surprised) Dragon meat and phoenix eggs? Where do you get those?

Feng Xiaolong: (laughing) Oh, I just made it up! It's actually just chicken and eggplant.


(Zhang Xiaolong is pretending to be a guest and asks for a room)

Zhang Xiaolong: (posh accent) Good evening, I'd like to book a room please.

Receptionist: (politely) Of course, sir. What type of room would you like?

Zhang Xiaolong: (smiling) I want a room with a view, and a bathtub, and a pillow made of clouds.

Receptionist: (confused) Uh, I'm sorry, but we don't have rooms with bathtubs or pillows made of clouds.

Zhang Xiaolong: (laughing) Oh, I see. Well, how about a room with a view of the parking lot then?


(Lin Xiaolong and Wang Liao are having a conversation in the hotel lobby)

Lin Xiaolong: (seriously) You know, I've been thinking about it, and I think I might be a genius.

Wang Liao: (raising an eyebrow) Really? What makes you say that?

Lin Xiaolong: (confidently) Well, I can solve any problem in the hotel. I can even fix the broken elevator with my mind!

Wang Liao: (skeptical) Oh, really? Let's see you do it then.

Lin Xiaolong: (grumbling) Alright, watch this! (he pretends to concentrate and waves his hand over the elevator)

Wang Liao: (laughing) Well, it's still broken. I think you might need to work on your problem-solving skills.


(Feng Xiaolong and Li Na are discussing a guest's unusual request)

Feng Xiaolong: (puzzled) So, the guest wants a room with a view of the mountain, but he also wants a lake nearby?

Li Na: (shaking her head) Yes, and he also wants a private beach and a personal butler.

Feng Xiaolong: (laughing) Well, that's quite the request. I don't think we have anything like that here.

Li Na: (smiling) Yeah, but you know what? I think I know how we can accommodate him.

Feng Xiaolong: (curious) Oh, how's that?

Li Na: (grinning) We'll just show him the lake across the street, and tell him it's his private beach. Then, we can hire a person to dress up as a butler and wait on him hand and foot.

Feng Xiaolong: (laughing) Brilliant! Let's do it.




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