

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"Where the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.\"(当上帝关闭一扇门时,他在某个地方会为你打开一扇窗。)

2. \"It's the dress. You'll have to put on another one before you meet the children.\"(这是裙子。在见孩子们之前,你得换一件。)

3. \"But I don't have another one.\"(但我没有其他的了。)

4. \"When we entered the abbey, our worldly(世俗的)clothes were given to the poor.\"(当我们进入修道院时,我们的世俗衣物都给了穷人。)

5. \"The sound of music, the sound of life. It's everywhere, in the air, in our hearts.\"(音乐之声,生命之声。它无处不在,在空气中,在我们的心中。)

6. \"I want to make you happy, that's all I want.\"(我只想要让你快乐。)

7. \"You are my sunshine, you are my happiness.\"(你是我的阳光,你是我的快乐。)

8. \"Do you believe in magic? I believe in magic.\"(你相信魔法吗?我相信。)

9. \"The world is a beautiful place, if you just look at it with the right eyes.\"(世界是个美丽的地方,只要你用正确的眼光去看待它。)

10. \"I love you more than anything in the world.\"(我世界上最爱你。)





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