

发表者:铁名 2人已读

Ultraman: \"Hello, monster. Today, I'm here to fight you and protect the peace of humanity.\"

Monster: \"Ultraman, you dare interfere with my plans for world domination? I'll show you my power!\"

Ultraman: \"You may be strong, but together, we can overcome any obstacle. It's time for you to return to the depths from which you came!\"

Monster: \"Ha! You think you can defeat me so easily? I'll crush you beneath my feet and conquer this planet!\"

Ultraman: \"Don't underestimate the power of human courage and unity. We will not back down until you are defeated!\"

Monster: \"You're wasting your time, Ultraman. My forces are countless, and my power knows no bounds.\"

Ultraman: \"Then let's see if your strength is enough to withstand the might of the Tsubasa Squadron and the people of Earth!\"

Monster: \"Tsubasa Squadron? They're nothing more than a nuisance. I'll crush them all beneath my might!\"

Ultraman: \"The Tsubasa Squadron and I are prepared for your challenge. Today, we will show you the power of unity and justice!\"

Monster: \" Enough talk! Time for action! Prepare to die, Ultraman!\"

Ultraman: \"The time for talking is over. Let's do this! Titan Roar!\"

As they battle, the dialogue continues:

Ultraman: \"Your attacks may be powerful, but I'm here to protect the ones I care about. Nothing will stop me from saving Earth!\"

Monster: \"You're stronger than I thought, Ultraman. But I won't give up so easily. RAWR!\"

Ultraman: \"I won't back down until you're defeated and Earth is safe. Let's finish this!\"

In the end, Ultraman defeats the monster, and the people of Earth celebrate their victory.

Ultraman: \"People of Earth, today we have shown that unity and courage can overcome any obstacle. Together, we will continue to protect our planet from harm.\"

Audience: \"Ultraman, thank you for saving us! You're our hero!\"

Ultraman: \"It's my pleasure. Until next time, goodbye!\"

As Ultraman flies away, the people of Earth cheer and celebrate their victory, looking forward to a peaceful future.




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