

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. 《泰坦尼克号》:“我要跳下去,杰克!我会游泳,但我不会放手!”(Jack:“I'll never let go, Rose! I'll never let go!”)

2. 《毕业生》:“我要去远方,我要寻找自己的道路。”(Benjamin:“I want to go somewhere. I want to find my own path.”)

3. 《青春派》:“我们恨您,但我们也要感谢您,老师。因为我们真的恨您,所以我们才会记得您。”(Teacher:“We hate you, but we also thank you. Because we really hate you, so we will remember you.”)

4. 《阳光姐妹淘》:“我们曾经梦想改变世界,但最后我们只是改变了自己。”(“We used to dream of changing the world, but in the end, we just changed ourselves.”)

5. 《少年派的奇幻漂流》:“我相信,那些消逝的时光,会成为我们生命中最美好的回忆。”(“I believe that the moments that pass us by will become the most beautiful memories in our lives.”)

6. 《致青春》:“青春就像一场旅行,有些人会陪你走一段路,但最后总会分开。”(“Youth is like a journey. Some people will accompany you for a while, but in the end, they will part ways.”)

7. 《小时代》:“我们曾经以为,青春就是一切,但后来我们才发现,青春就像烟花,只是一瞬间的绚烂。”(“We used to think that youth was everything, but later we realized that youth is like a firework, a brief moment of brilliance.”)

8. 《栀子花开》:“有些人,一旦错过,就再也回不去了。就像这朵栀子花,错过了季节,就只能留在记忆里。”(“Some people, once missed, can never be found again. Like this jasmine flower, once it misses the season, it can only stay in our memories.”)





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