

发表者:铁名 2人已读

Here's an example of a short dialogue between two people in English:

Person A: Hey, have you heard about the new movie that's coming out this weekend?

Person B: Yeah, I heard it's a great thriller with an amazing cast. Have you seen the trailer?

Person A: Oh, yes! I watched it yesterday and I can't wait to see the full movie. The plot seems really intriguing.

Person B: Definitely. I'm planning to go to the premiere with some friends. Want to join us?

Person A: Absolutely, I'd love to! What time does the screening start?

Person B: It's at 7 pm, so we should start getting ready soon.

Person A: Great, I'll meet you at your place at 6 pm. Should I bring anything?

Person B: Just yourself and maybe some popcorn and drinks. It's going to be an exciting night!

Person A: Sounds good! See you later.

Person B: See you soon! Can't wait to catch the movie together.




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