

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"When I was going up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. I wish, I wish he'd go away.\"(当我走上楼梯时,我看到了一个不在那里的人,今天他又不在那里,我希望他已经走了。)

2. \"I can't remember a single thing about my life before I woke up in this room.\"(我无法记得在醒来在这个房间之前的生活。)

3. \"We're all God's children, aren't we? So, does that mean he's got a special plan for all of us?\"(我们都是上帝的孩子,不是吗?那么,这意味着他对我们每个人都有特殊的计划吗?)

4. \"You know, it's funny. Every time I think I've hit rock bottom, something always brings me back down.\"(你知道,很有趣。每次我以为我已经到了低谷,总会有什么东西让我再次陷入低谷。)

5. \"I've spent my whole life running from my past, and now it's finally caught up with me.\"(我一生都在逃避我的过去,现在它终于追上了我。)

6. \"I'm not a killer. I'm just a guy with a sick sense of humor.\"(我不是一个杀手。我只是有一个病态的幽默感。)

7. \"You know, sometimes I wonder if we're all just characters in someone else's dream.\"(有时候,我怀疑我们是否都是别人梦中的角色。)

8. \"I keep thinking about that poem, you know, the one about the man who wasn't there. It's like it's predicting everything that's happening here.\"(我一直在想着那首诗,你知道,就是关于那个不在那里的人的诗。它就像在预测这里发生的一切。)

9. \"We all have our own personal hells we're living in, don't we?\"(我们每个人都有自己生活的地狱,不是吗?)

10. \"Maybe we're all just pieces of a bigger puzzle, and we're all trying to fit together to make something meaningful.\"(也许我们都是更大拼图中的一块,我们都在努力拼凑出有意义的东西。)





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