

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"In the vast sea of people, I only want to be your lifetime Cruise.\" 在人海中,我只想成为你的终身伴侣。

2. \"You just stand there and do nothing, and I'm already in love with you.\" 你只需站在那里,什么都不做,我就已经爱上了你。

3. \"No matter how long the rain lasts, it will eventually clear up. As long as we stay together, we can wait for the sun to shine again.\" 无论雨下得多长,总会停的。只要我们在一起,就能等到阳光再次照耀。

4. \"I want to be the one who wakes you up from your longest dream, and the one who accompanies you to sleep through your whole life.\" 我想成为那个唤醒你最长梦境的人,也想成为那个陪你度过一生的人。

5. \"Sometimes, love doesn't need to be said out loud. It's those small actions that speak the loudest.\" 有时候,爱情并不需要大声说出。那些细微的行动才是最有力的证明。

6. \"I fell in love with you because of a thousand reasons, and I'm willing to spend a thousand more nights watching the stars with you.\" 我爱上你,有无数个理由。我愿意陪你再看一千个夜晚的繁星。

7. \"Your smile is like a four-season cycle, changing my life into a beautiful landscape.\" 你的微笑像四季的轮回,将我的生活变成了美丽的画卷。

8. \"I want to be the reason behind your smile, and the source of your happiness.\" 我想成为你微笑的原因,你幸福的源泉。

9. \"When you are with me, I feel like I have the whole world in my hands.\" 当你和我在一起时,我觉得自己拥有了整个世界。

10. \"Distance doesn't matter if you truly love someone. You'll find a way to be together no matter what.\" 如果真心爱一个人,距离根本不成问题。无论怎样,你都会找到与对方在一起的方法。




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