

发表者:铁名 2人已读

Here are a few examples of nonsensical comedy dialogue in English:

1. Guy 1: \"Hey, did you ever wonder why birds don't fly backwards?\"Guy 2: \"Uh, because they'd fall off the sky?\"

2. Woman: \"You know why they call it 'milk' right?\"Man: \"Uh, because it comes from cows?\"Woman: \"No, because it's white, and white means milk!\"

3. Guy 1: \"So, what's your favorite color?\"Guy 2: \"Um, I don't know, man. I like the color of money, I guess.\"

4. Woman: \"Why do seagulls fly over the sea?\"Man: \"I don't know, why do they fly over the sea?\"Woman: \"Because if they flew over the land, they'd be bagels!\"

5. Guy 1: \"Why do humans have noses?\"Guy 2: \"So we can breathe, duh!\"Guy 1: \"No, so we can hold our phones close to our faces and still look cool.\"

Remember, these are just for fun and don't make much sense, but they can bring a smile to your face!




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