

发表者:铁名 2人已读

猫和老鼠(Tom and Jerry)是一部经典的美国动画片,讲述了猫汤姆和老鼠杰瑞之间的斗争故事。以下是其中一段猫和老鼠英语原版台词对白:

Tom(汤姆):Oh, Jerry! You're always sneaking around, trying to steal my cheese.

Jerry(杰瑞):Hey, Tom! You can't blame a guy for trying. Besides, you have plenty of cheese.

Tom:Oh, no you don't! I'm not gonna let you get away with this time.

Jerry:Okay, Tom. Let's play a game. If I win, you let me have the cheese. If you win, I'll stay out of your way for a week.

Tom:Deal! I'll take you on, but you'll regret it.


Jerry:Ha! I knew I could outsmart you, Tom. Now, where's my cheese?

Tom:Alright, Jerry. You win this time. But don't think this means I give up. We'll have another match soon enough.

Jerry:I'll be ready for it, Tom. But for now, let's enjoy the cheese together.

Tom:Fine. But remember, I'm still the king of the house.

Jerry:Yeah, sure, Tom. King of the house, my foot!





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