

发表者:铁名 2人已读

神偷奶爸(Despicable Me)是一部非常受欢迎的动画电影,其中有许多经典的台词对白。以下是一些神偷奶爸的经典台词对白:

1. 神偷奶爸格鲁(Gru):“我觉得你们俩可以出去吃个饭。”(I was thinking you two could get some grub.)2. 心理医生:“你疯了吗?(Are you out of your gourd?)”3. 斯图亚特(Stuart): “因为我有一张复杂背景,所以其他人拒绝与我合作。”(Well,it seems that because of your checkered past,everyone else refused to work with you.)

4. 神偷奶爸2(Despicable Me 2)中,格鲁与 Margo、Edith 和 Agnes 一起度过了愉快的时光,他说:“自从我的妻子黛比去世后,一切变得如此孤单。我的心就像牙齿一样,有一个蛀洞,只有孩子的爱才能填满它。”(Since my wife passed away, everything has been so lonely. My heart is like a tooth with a cavity, and only the love of children can fill it.)

5. 电影中,神偷奶爸与小黄人们(Minions)的互动充满了欢乐。例如,当他们兴奋地唱歌时,其中一句歌词是:“Ba, ba, ba, ba, bananaaaaaaah!”(香蕉!)

6. 另一句经典台词是:“时间从来不能阻挡梦想的脚步,有着一份固执的坚持,学会让梦想每天壮大一点点。”(Time can never stop the steps of dreams, with a stubborn persistence, learn to let dreams grow a little bit every day.)

7. 神偷奶爸3(Despicable Me 3)中,格鲁遇到了他的亲生父亲,父亲说:“我只是想看看你,儿子。我是你的父亲,我的名字叫斯图亚特。”(I just wanted to see you, son. I'm your father, my name is Stuart.)





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