

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. 《飘》(Gone with the Wind):- 郝思嘉(Scarlett O'Hara):\"Tomorrow is another day.\"(明天又是新的一天。)- 白瑞德(Rhett Butler):\"My dear, I don't give a damn.\"(亲爱的,我不在乎。)

2. 《简爱》(Jane Eyre):- 简爱(Jane Eyre):\"Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?\"(你认为因为我贫穷、默默无闻、长相平凡,我就没有灵魂和心吗?)- 罗契斯特(Rochester):\"I am no longer master here.\"(这里我已经不再当家做主了。)

3. 《三剑客》(The Three Musketeers):- 阿托斯(Athos):\"All for one, one for all.\"(全体一致,一人代表全体。)- 达达尼昂(D'Artagnan):\"I am D'Artagnan, and I shall become a musketeer!\"(我是达达尼昂,我将成为火枪手!)

4. 《巴黎圣母院》(The Hunchback of Notre Dame):- 钟楼怪人(Quasimodo):\"Sanctuary!\"(避难所!)- 艾斯梅拉达(Esmeralda):\"I am the spirit of the gypsies, free and wild.\"(我是吉普赛人的灵魂,自由而野性。)

5. 《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias):- 玛格丽特(Marguerite):\"A woman's heart is a mystery.\"(女人的心是个谜。)- 阿尔芒(Armand):\"I have loved you, and I love you still.\"(我爱过你,现在依然爱你。)

6. 《红与黑》(The Red and the Black):- 于连(Julien Sorel):\"I am a man who has dreams.\"(我是一个有梦想的人。)- 马蒂尔德(Mathilde):\"Your love is my prison.\"(你的爱是我的牢笼。)

7. 《暮光之城》(Twilight):- 爱德华(Edward Cullen):\"You are my own personal brand of heroin.\"(你是我独一无二的毒药。)- 贝拉(Isabella Swan):\"I'd rather be dead.\"(我宁愿去死。)

8. 《人间喜剧》(The Human Comedy):- 喜剧演员(Clown):\"Life is a comedy, and we are all actors in it.\"(生活是一部喜剧,我们都是其中的演员。)- 观众(Audience):\"You brought tears to my eyes, and laughter to my heart.\"(你让我眼中含泪,心中充满欢笑。)





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