

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"Did you hear about the guy who died from a paper cut? He just couldn't handle the pressure.\"(你听说了那个死于纸割的人吗?他只是无法承受压力。)

2. \"I don't know about you, but I prefer to fly coach. It's like riding a bus, but with less legroom.\"(我不知道你们怎么样,但我更喜欢坐经济舱。这就像坐公交车,但是腿部的空间更小。)

3. \"Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels.\"(为什么海鸥飞越海洋?因为如果它们飞越海湾,它们就会变成百吉饼。)

4. \"What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator!\"(你怎么称呼穿着背心的鳄鱼?调查员!)

5. \"I once got lost in a mall. I ended up in Sears, and I didn't even want to buy anything.\"(我曾经在商场里迷路了。最后我走到了Sears(美国一家大型零售商),而我甚至不想买任何东西。)

6. \"Why do Canadians have ice in their toilets? Because they like to keep their bathrooms cold.\"(为什么加拿大人的厕所里有冰?因为他们喜欢保持卫生间冷。)

7. \"Did you hear about the guy who invented the door knob? He made history.\"(你听说了那个发明门把手的人吗?他创造了历史。)

8. \"What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!\"(你怎么称呼一个没有牙齿的熊?果冻熊!)

9. \"Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.\"(为什么西红柿变红了?因为它看到了沙拉酱。)

10. \"I bought a new dictionary, but I can't find the 'A' word.\"(我买了一本新字典,但我找不到“A”这个词。)





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