

发表者:铁名 2人已读

以下是一些莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)电影中的经典英文台词:

1. \"I believe life is a gift, and I don't want to waste it. You never know what hand life is going to deal you. Learn to accept it.\" - Titanic(我相信生活是一份礼物,所以不想浪费它。你从不知道生活会给你派一手什么牌。你要学着接受生活。——《泰坦尼克号》)

2. \"When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.\" - Titanic(当你一无所有,你就没有什么可以失去。——《泰坦尼克号》)

3. \"One man's tragedy is another man's comedy.\" - Catch Me If You Can(一个人的悲剧是另一个人的喜剧。——《逍遥法外》)

4. \"Two mice fall into a cream jar. The first mouse soon gives up and drowns, but the second mouse struggles and manages to turn the cream into butter, then crawls out alive.\" - Catch Me If You Can(两只小老鼠掉进了奶油桶里。第一只老鼠很快便放弃希望溺死了,但第二只老鼠竭力挣扎,把奶油搅成了黄油,最终爬了出来。——《逍遥法外》)

5. \"Sometimes I wonder if God will forgive us for all the killing we've done.\" - Inception(有时我在想,上帝是否会原谅我们的自相残杀。——《盗梦空间》)

6. \"This world isn't real.\" - The Matrix(这世界不是真的。——《黑客帝国》)





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