

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. \"人生到头来就是不停地放下,可最痛心的是没能好好的道别。\"(All of life is an act of letting go,but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye...)

2. \"饥饿会改变一切,你永远都想不到自己会变成什么样。\"(Hunger can change everything. You never know what you will become。)

3. \"我相信,人生中的每一段经历,都是为了让我们成为更好的人。\"(I believe that every experience in life is meant to make us better。)

4. \"无论你信仰什么,最终都要学会放下。\"(No matter what you believe in, eventually you have to let it go。)

5. \"你知道,有时候,人生就是一场游戏,一场梦。\"(You know, sometimes life is just a game, a dream.)

6. \"这个世界如此美好,为什么要害怕失去呢?(The world is so beautiful, why should we be afraid of losing it?)

7. \"我没有选择,只能向前,因为背后是绝望。\"(I had no choice but to move forward, because behind me was despair.)

8. \"人生就像一条河,有时候波澜壮阔,有时候平静如镜。\"(Life is like a river, sometimes turbulent, sometimes calm.)

9. \"我相信,每一个人都有自己的使命,而我的人生使命就是生存下来,并讲述我的故事。\"(I believe that everyone has their own mission, and my mission in life is to survive and tell my story.)

10. \"我们必须学会接受失去,因为那就是生活。\"(We must learn to accept loss, because that is part of life.)





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