

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. 魔术的第一法则,永远做房间里最聪明的一个。(First rule of magic: Always be the smartest person in the room.)

2. 你离得越近看,你看的东西越少。(The closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see.)

3. 让我警告你。(Let me warn you.)

4. 因为你认为你看到的越多,你就越容易被骗。(Because the more you think you see, the easier you are to deceive.)

5. 我希望你们看仔细了。(I hope you guys look closely.)

6. 你们会的,我确信。(You will, I'm sure.)

7. 有史以来最厉害的魔术。(The greatest magic in history.)

8. 四骑士在哪?(Where are the Four Horsemen?)

9. 唯一的出路就是你们自己从中破解。(The only way out is to figure it out yourself.)

10. 这是可以破解世界上所有电脑系统的钥匙。(This is the key to cracking every computer system in the world.)

11. 我正需要你们的能力。(I正好需要你们的能力。)

12. 出动,出动!耶。(Move out, move out! Yeah.)

13. 多谢款待!(Thank you for the treat!)

14. 想知道到底怎么回事吗?(Do you want to know what really happened?)

15. 没错,你们被人下套了。(Yeah, you guys have been set up.)

16. 你难道认为我们还会任你摆布吗?(Do you think we'll let you control us again?)

17. 定!你们是魔盗团啊。(Damn! You're the Horsemen.)

18. 我希望你们帮我把它偷出来。(I hope you guys can help me steal it.)

19. 有人说我是个控制狂,那么我决定试一试。(Some say I'm a control freak, so I'll give it a shot.)





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