

发表者:铁名 2人已读

天使之城(City of Angels)是一部1998年上映的美国浪漫剧情片,改编自德国导演沃夫冈·彼特森的同名电影《天使之城》。以下是其中一些经典台词:

1. \"I don't understand the god who'd let us meet if we could never be together.\"(我不明白,为什么上帝要让我们相识却不能相守。)

2. \"When they ask me what I liked the best, I'll tell them, 'It was you'.\"(当他们问我最爱的是什么,我会告诉他们,是你。)

3. \"I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than an eternity without it.\"(我宁愿拥有一丝她的发香,一吻她的双唇,一次她的抚摸,也不愿永恒地失去她。)

4. \"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud, it is not rude. It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.\"(爱是 patient,爱是 kind。它不嫉妒,不炫耀。它不骄傲,不粗鲁。它不自私,不易怒。它不记恨。爱不在于邪恶,而在于真理。它总是保护,总是信任,总是充满希望,总是持之以恒。)

5. \"You know what the trouble is? We're gonna die someday. And we're gonna miss each other. And the kids are gonna miss their mom, and I'm gonna miss mine.\"(你知道问题所在吗?我们总有一天会死去。我们会想念彼此。孩子们会想念他们的妈妈,而我也会想念我的。)

6. \"I have to go. I have to tell her something. I have to tell her I love her. I have to tell her the truth.\"(我必须走了。我必须告诉她一件事。我必须告诉她我爱她。我必须告诉她真相。)

7. \"I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of not living.\"(我不害怕死去。我害怕的是从未真正活过。)





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