

发表者:铁名 2人已读


1. Initial dialogue upon meeting the Fire Keeper:

\"Ah, the ash seeker. You've come to honor the Flame, have you? Show me your proof of螺旋剑吧,这是灰烬的证据,将引导你前往薪王之乡。\"

2. After showing the螺旋剑:

\"Forged in the embers of the old world, the螺旋剑 haswithstood the test of time. It is a testament to the power of the Flame. With this symbol, I can confirm your purpose. You are the ash seeker, sent to carry the torch of the gods. Your journey shall begin at the Unkindled Ash.\"

3. After talking about the Unkindled Ash:

\"The Unkindled Ash is a place of great importance. It is here that the fire was first kindled, and it is here that it shall finally be extinguished. You must journey far and wide, seeking out the ancient pyres and relighting the flames. Only then will you be able to confront the Lords of Cinder and bring an end to this age of fire.\"

4. When talking about the防火女's eyes:

\"These eyes have seen the rise and fall of many flames. They have witnessed the passing of epochs and the birth of new worlds. They are the windows to my soul, and through them, I can see the fate of the fire.\"

5. When asked about her blindness:

\"I was born blind, but my vision is clearer than that of any sighted person. For I see not with my eyes, but with my heart and soul. I see the truth that lies beneath the surface of things, and I know the fate of the fire.\"

6. Before the final confrontation with the Lords of Cinder:

\"The time has come, ash seeker. You have journeyed far and wide, gathering the embers of the old world. Now, it's up to you to decide the fate of the fire. Will you protect it, or will you let it fade away?\"

7. After the final confrontation, if the player chooses to extinguish the fire:

\"So, you have chosen to extinguish the fire. I will honor your decision, ash seeker. But remember, in doing so, you also extinguish the hope of a new beginning. The world will fall into darkness, and all that we have known will be lost. Are you prepared to bear the weight of this burden?\"

8. If the player attacks the Fire Keeper after choosing to extinguish the fire:

\"You have chosen to betray the fire, ash seeker. You have sealed the fate of the world. But know this: I will not go quietly into the night. I will fight until the last ember of the Flame burns out. And when all is said and done, the memory of the fire will live on in the hearts of those who remain.\"





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