

发表者:铁名 3人已读

1. \"I'm not interested in your judgment.\" - 我不关心你的判断。

2. \"I want to see the world, and I want to do it my way.\" - 我想要看看这个世界,而且我希望以我的方式去做。

3. \"I have lived my life by a set of rules, and now I am going to break them.\" - 我一直按照一套规则生活,现在我要打破它们。

4. \"You're not disabled. You just can't see.\" - 你并不是残疾,只是看不见。

5. \"I am not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of not living.\" - 我害怕的不是死去,而是未曾生活过。

6. \"The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.\" - 唯一让自己真正满足的方法就是做自己认为伟大的工作。

7. \"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.\" - 成功不是终点,失败也不致命,关键是有勇气继续。

8. \"A man who is not courageous enough to take risks will never accomplish anything in life.\" - 一个人如果不敢冒险,这一生都不会有任何成就。

9. \"I may be blind, but I can still see the truth.\" - 我虽然失明,但我依然能看见真相。

10. \"Trust me, you have more potential than you can ever imagine.\" - 相信我,你的潜力超乎你的想象。





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