

发表者:铁名 4人已读


1. 世界上孤独的人都害怕迈出第一步。(The world is full of lonely people waiting to make the first move.)

2. 我是住在城堡里没错,托尼,孤身一人!那些白人富翁花钱让我给他们弹钢琴,是想让自己显得有文化。但只要我一下台,我又变回了那个他们不屑一顾的黑鬼。因为那才是他们真正的文化,而我只能独自承受这种轻蔑。因为我不被自己人所接受,因为我跟他们也不是一类人。如果我不够黑人,也不够白人,或者是不够男人,那请你告诉我,托尼,我是到底是什么人?!(Yes, I live in a castle! Tony. Alone! And rich white people pay me to play piano for them, because it makes them feel cultured. But as soon as I step off that stage, I go right back to being just another nigger to them. Because that is their true culture. And I suffer that slight alone, because I’m not accepted by my own people, because I’m not like them! So if I’m not black enough, and if I’m not white enough, and if I’m not man enough, then tell me Tony, what am I?!)

3. 你永远不会以暴力取胜。只有保持尊严才能战胜一切。(You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity.)

4. 成为天才还不够,要有勇气改变人心。(Being genius is not enough, it takes courage to change people's hearts.)





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