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"Give me wings" is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of a young girl named Lily who dreams of flying. The film follows her journey as she learns to overcome her fears and chase her dreams. In this article, we will be discussing the key themes and elements of this inspiring movie.

1. Plot:

The plot of "Give me wings" centers around the life of Lily, a young girl living in a small village in China. Lily has always been fascinated by birds and dreams of one day being able to fly like them. However, her family and community discourage her from pursuing her passion, insisting that it is impossible for a human to fly. Despite their doubts, Lily refuses to give up on her dream and sets out to find a way to make it a reality.

2. Characters:

One of the strongest aspects of this movie is its well-developed characters. Lily, the protagonist, is a relatable and likable character who viewers will find themselves rooting for throughout the film. Her determination and perseverance in pursuing her dreams are inspiring and serve as a reminder of the importance of chasing our passions. The other characters in the movie, including Lily's family and friends, also play an important role in the story and serve to illustrate the challenges faced by those who dare to dream.

3. Themes:

At its core, "Give me wings" is a movie about the power of dreaming big and never giving up. It explores themes such as perseverance, courage, and the importance of following our hearts. The movie also touches on the idea of breaking free from societal norms and expectations, and the importance of finding our own unique path in life.

4. Visuals:

The cinematography in "Give me wings" is stunning, with beautiful shots of the Chinese countryside and Lily's various attempts at flight. The use of color and lighting also helps to create a dreamlike atmosphere that enhances the film's themes of imagination and possibility.


In conclusion, "Give me wings" is a heartwarming and inspiring movie that will leave viewers feeling uplifted and motivated to chase their dreams. With well-developed characters, stunning visuals, and powerful themes, this film is a must-see for anyone who believes in the power of perseverance and following our hearts.




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