

发表者:铁名 11人已读


1. 故事情节


The story of Roman Holiday tells the love affair between an ordinary American girl named Ann and an Italian prince named Joe during their one day trip in Rome. The whole movie smoothly and naturally presents their romantic encounter and final departure. Moreover, the film also depicts their adventurous experience in the city of Rome, showing the charm of this beautiful city in a light and humorous way.

2. 演员表现

Audrey Hepburn在电影中的表现非常出色,她用她独特的魅力演绎了一个聪明、可爱、天真的女孩。Gregory Peck则塑造了一个成熟、有品味的男人形象,他们两人的默契和对话展现了一份动人的友谊。整个演员阵容都非常出彩,让观众感受到了电影的温暖和感人。

Audrey Hepburn's performance in the movie is excellent. She portrays a smart, adorable and innocent girl with her unique charm. Gregory Peck creates a mature and tasteful male image. Their tacit understanding and dialogue show a touching friendship. The whole cast is outstanding, making the audience feel the warmth and touching moments of the film.

3. 意义与价值


Roman Holiday is not only a romantic love movie, but also conveys many profound meanings and values. From the encounter of an ordinary girl and a prince, we can see the communication and integration between different countries and cultures. At the same time, the film also shows the beauty of love and friendship, letting the audience feel the most gentle and sincere emotions in human nature.





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